Bat Biology and Ecology
A series of research articles examining bat biology and ecology. Articles include The pale spear-nosed bat: A neuromolecular and transgenic model for vocal learning; From island biogeography to landscape and metacommunity ecology: A macroecological perspective of bat communities; Sick bats stay home alone: fruit bats practice social distancing when faced with an immunological challenge; A review of the major threats and challenges to global bat conservation; Individuality and function of chemical signals during conflict resolution of a mammal; Changing resource landscapes and spillover of henipaviruses; Ecosystem services provided by bats; Naturally Long-Lived Animal Models for the Study of Slow Aging and Longevity; Testing the Free Radical Theory of Aging in Bats; Plasmhogen Activators from the Saliva of Desmodus rotundus (Common Vampire Bat): Unique Fibrin Specificity; The Nervus Terminalis in Insectivorous Bat Embryos and Notes on Its Presence During Human Ontogeny; The Sonar Receiver of the Bat; The Possible Role of Brown Fat as a Source of Heat During Arousal from Hibernation; Histochemical and Microchemical Observations on the Lipids of the Interscapular Brown Fat of the Female Vespertilionid Bat Myotis Lucifugus Lucifugus; Bat Rabies: Experimental Host Transmission Studies; Blood Circulation in the Subcutaneous Tissue of the Living Bat’s Wing; On Two Species of Plecotus inhabiting the United States Territory; and Descriptions of Five Species of Vespertilio that inhabit the Environs of the City of New-York.
See https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1111/(ISSN)1749-6632.bat-biology-ecology.
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